Features at a glance
Convenience, flexibility and integration—that's the SPEDASSIST approach. Customization is key. With SPEDASSIST, you can reorder, rename and remove workflow sections or add custom-developed workflows and IEP/IPRC section updates to better reflect your school board's processes.
Online access via any Internet-enabled computer |
Monitored list workflow |
Accommodations-only workflow |
General notes section |
Access log |
Message board system |
Auto logout countdown |
Global variables for committee members and school contact information |
Ability to integrate into your existing student management system for student, staff and school information |
Compliance functionality to ensure valid identification, placement, and program information |
Ability to export data into your existing student management system |
Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Completion dates and reasons for development |
Areas of strength and need |
Information sources consulted |
Subject modifications, accommodations and alternative curriculum development tools |
Learning equipment |
Elementary program exemptions |
Secondary program exemptions |
Assessment accommodations |
Assessment exceptions |
IEP staff development team |
Human resources |
Special services & support |
Accommodations |
Community agencies involved |
Consultation records |
Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC)
Community agencies involved |
IPRC dates (original, current, review) |
Committee members |
Others in attendance |
Documents considered |
Areas of strength and need |
Identification |
Placement |
Remedial programs |
Letters & Forms
School board-specific letters are added during the implementation process. Samples of forms we've previously implemented include:
IEP custom report builder |
Transition plan |
IPRC custom report builder |
Invitation letter |
Assessment form
(includes standard tests like Brigance as well as customizable test fields and history) |
Statement of decision |
Principals checklist for IPRC review |
Principal’s request for an IPRC meeting |
Elementary & secondary parental invitation to the IPRC review |
Statement of annual review |
Referral to special services |
Special transportation request |
Application for approval to be excused from taking French as a second language |
Referral to vision/hearing services |
Consent to obtain release information |
Learning enrichment teacher program support letter of notification and permission |
School team meeting request |
School team meeting action plan |
Learning systems support letter of notification |
Case load report |